Support Coordination


Pivot Support Services Community - NDIS Services

Pivot is a registered/ NDIS provider for several Capacity Building support categories, including:

  • Level 1 Support Connection

  • Level 2 Coordination of Supports

  • Level 3 Specialist Support Coordination

  • Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions and Supports

Below, is the NDIS description of each of the supports able to be offered by Pivot, from the NDIS Price Guide 2020/21 and includes some time-limited COVID-19 specific extended supports.


Level 1: Support Connection

This support item assists a participant to implement their plan by strengthening their ability to connect with the broader systems of supports and to understand the purpose of the funded supports. Support Connection assists a participant to understand their NDIS plan, connect participants with broader systems of supports, and provide assistance to connect with providers. Support Connection will assist participants to achieve effective utilisation of their NDIS plan and answer questions as they arise.

Support Connection also increases a participant’s capacity to maintain (or in some cases change) support relationships, resolve service delivery issues, and participate independently in NDIA processes.

Support Connection includes, but is not limited to:

  • Understand the Plan;

  • Connect with Supports and Services;

  • Establish Supports;

  • Coach, Refine, Reflect; and

  • Report to the NDIA.

Level 2: Coordination of Supports

This support item strengthens a participant’s ability to design and then build their supports with an emphasis on linking the broader systems of support across a complex service delivery environment. Coordination of Supports is to focus on supporting participants to direct their lives, not just their services, and is focussed on assisting participants to build and maintain a resilient network of formal and informal supports. This involves working together with the participant to understand the funding, identify what participants expect from services, and how participants want this designed. Coordination of Supports also includes coaching participants, and working with participants to develop capacity and resilience in their network.

Coordination of Supports includes, but is not limited to

  • Understand the Plan;

  • Connect with Supports and Services;

  • Design Support Approaches;

  • Establish Supports;

  • Coach, Refine, Reflect;

  • Targeted Support Coordination;

  • Crisis: Planning, Prevention, Mitigation and Action;

  • Build Capacity and Resilience; and

  • Report to the NDIA.

Level 3: Specialist Support Coordination

This support is delivered utilising an expert or specialist approach, necessitated by specific high complex needs or high-level risks in a participant’s situation. Specialist Support Coordination is delivered by an appropriately qualified and experienced practitioner to meet the individual needs of the participant’s circumstances such as a Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker, or Mental Health Nurse. Specialist Support Coordination is expected to address complex barriers impacting a participant’s ability to implement their plan and access appropriate supports. Specialist Support Coordinators assist participants to reduce complexity in their support environment, and overcome barriers to connecting with broader systems of supports as well as funded supports.

Specialist Support Coordinators are expected to negotiate appropriate support solutions with multiple stakeholders and seek to achieve well-coordinated plan implementation. Specialist Support Coordinators will assist stakeholders with resolving points of crisis for participants, assist to ensure a consistent delivery of service and access to relevant supports during crisis situations.

Specialist Support Coordination is generally delivered through an intensive and time limited period necessitated by the participant’s immediate and significant barriers to plan implementation. Depending on individual circumstances, a Specialist Support Coordinator may also design a complex service plan that focusses on how all the stakeholders in a participant’s life will interact to resolve barriers and promote appropriate plan implementation. Once developed, a Specialist Support Coordinator will continue to monitor the plan, but it may be maintained by one of the participant’s support workers or other care supports.

Specialist Support Coordination includes, but is not limited to

  • Understand the Plan;

  • Connect with Supports and Services;

  • Design Support Approaches;

  • Establish Supports;

  • Coach, Refine, Reflect;

  • Targeted Support Coordination;

  • Crisis: Planning, Prevention, Mitigation and Action;

  • Address Complex Barriers;

  • Design Complex Service Plan;

  • Build Capacity and Resilience; and

  • Report to the NDIA.

Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions and Supports

This support item, which includes mentoring, peer-support and individual skill development, is designed to establish volunteer assistance within the participant’s home or community to develop skills. For instance, assistance in attending appointments, shopping, bill paying, taking part in social activities and maintaining contact with others.

Therapeutic Supports

Provision to a participant of Assessment, Recommendation, Therapy, or Training (including in assistive technology) supports, delivered by a suitably qualified Allied Health professional.

Therapeutic Supports (over 7 years of age)

These support items provide therapeutic services to participants (over 7 years). In the NDIS, therapy supports are for participants with an established disability, where maximum medical improvement has been reached, to facilitate functional improvement. For people who access the Scheme as ‘early intervention’ NDIS participants, reasonable and necessary supports are likely to be a blend of medical and disability therapies, but should be predominantly disability therapy supports. Therapy in this context must be aimed at adjustment, adaption, and building capacity for community participation.

Maintenance care can be claimed against a participant’s plan, where the primary purpose is to provide ongoing support for a participant in order to maintain a level of functioning including long term therapy/support required to achieve small incremental gains or to prevent functional decline. In general, maintenance therapy that is reasonable and necessary should be delivered by carers who are or can be trained in this if required. Where a participant has a medical condition or disability that requires a particular regime to maintain functioning of a body part, or to slow the deterioration of a medical condition or body part, then these support items can be used to deliver reasonable and necessary training for non-qualified personnel to assist a participant, as part of usual daily care. These support items cannot be used for massage, delivered directly to impact a body part or body system, as these supports are more appropriately provided and funded by the health system.


Early Childhood Intervention Supports (under 7 years of age)

These support items provide capacity building supports, including key worker, to assist a child (under 7 years of age) with developmental delay or disability and their family or carers in home, community and early childhood education settings, to work towards increased functional independence and social participation. These support items can also be used for the assessment, planning, and delivery of Disability-Related Health Supports where these supports directly relate to a participant’s significant and permanent functional impairment and assist them to undertake activities of daily living.


NDIS - Capacity Building - Support Coordination

The supports in this support category strengthen a participant’s ability to design and then build their supports with an emphasis on linking to broader systems of support.

Level 1: Support Connection

This support item assists a participant to implement their plan by strengthening their ability to connect with the broader systems of supports and to understand the purpose of the funded supports. Support Connection assists a participant to understand their NDIS plan, connect participants with broader systems of supports, and provide assistance to connect with providers. Support Connection will assist participants to achieve effective utilisation of their NDIS plan and answer questions as they arise.

Support Connection also increases a participant’s capacity to maintain (or in some cases change) support relationships, resolve service delivery issues, and participate independently in NDIA processes.

Support Connection includes, but is not limited to:

  • Understand the Plan;

  • Connect with Supports and Services;

  • Establish Supports;

  • Coach, Refine, Reflect; and

  • Report to the NDIA.

Level 2: Coordination of Supports

This support item strengthens a participant’s ability to design and then build their supports with an emphasis on linking the broader systems of support across a complex service delivery environment. Coordination of Supports is to focus on supporting participants to direct their lives, not just their services, and is focussed on assisting participants to build and maintain a resilient network of formal and informal supports. This involves working together with the participant to understand the funding, identify what participants expect from services, and how participants want this designed. Coordination of Supports also includes coaching participants, and working with participants to develop capacity and resilience in their network.

Coordination of Supports includes, but is not limited to

  • Understand the Plan;

  • Connect with Supports and Services;

  • Design Support Approaches;

  • Establish Supports;

  • Coach, Refine, Reflect;

  • Targeted Support Coordination;

  • Crisis: Planning, Prevention, Mitigation and Action;

  • Build Capacity and Resilience; and

  • Report to the NDIA.

Level 3: Specialist Support Coordination

This support is delivered utilising an expert or specialist approach, necessitated by specific high complex needs or high level risks in a participant’s situation. Specialist Support Coordination is delivered by an appropriately qualified and experienced practitioner to meet the individual needs of the participant’s circumstances such as a Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker, or Mental Health Nurse. Specialist Support Coordination is expected to address complex barriers impacting a participant’s ability to implement their plan and access appropriate supports. Specialist Support Coordinators assist participants to reduce complexity in their support environment, and overcome barriers to connecting with broader systems of supports as well as funded supports.

Specialist Support Coordinators are expected to negotiate appropriate support solutions with multiple stakeholders and seek to achieve well-coordinated plan implementation. Specialist Support Coordinators will assist stakeholders with resolving points of crisis for participants, assist to ensure a consistent delivery of service and access to relevant supports during crisis situations.

Specialist Support Coordination is generally delivered through an intensive and time limited period necessitated by the participant’s immediate and significant barriers to plan implementation. Depending on individual circumstances, a Specialist Support Coordinator may also design a complex service plan that focusses on how all the stakeholders in a participant’s life will interact to resolve barriers and promote appropriate plan implementation. Once developed, a Specialist Support Coordinator will continue to monitor the plan, but it may be maintained by one of the participant’s support workers or other care supports.

Specialist Support Coordination includes, but is not limited to

  • Understand the Plan;

  • Connect with Supports and Services;

  • Design Support Approaches;

  • Establish Supports;

  • Coach, Refine, Reflect;

  • Targeted Support Coordination;

  • Crisis: Planning, Prevention, Mitigation and Action;

  • Address Complex Barriers;

  • Design Complex Service Plan;

  • Build Capacity and Resilience; and

  • Report to the NDIA.

NDIS Temporary COVID 19 Supports

Support Coordination

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the support items for Support Coordination were temporarily duplicated into the Assistance with Daily Life Support Category so that participants could have greater access to support coordination services if they needed them.

These support items can be delivered to individual participants subject to the rules set out in this Price Guide.

As well as direct service provision, these support items can be used to claim for

  • Non Face-to-Face Support Provision

  • Provider Travel

  • Short Notice Cancellations

  • NDIA-requested Reports.

Capacity Building - Increased Social and Community Participation

The supports in this support category allow participants to take part in skills-based learning to develop independence in accessing the community.

Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions and Supports

This support item, which includes mentoring, peer-support and individual skill development, is designed to establish volunteer assistance within the participant’s home or community to develop skills. For instance, assistance in attending appointments, shopping, bill paying, taking part in social activities and maintaining contact with others.